Monday, March 28, 2011

Friends are Forever

 I have reconnected with a special  friend!  We met in grade school and  were classmates until we finished junior high.  We attended different high schools, but rode the same bus to our respective school.  The last time that we talked was during the late 1970s.  I was ecstatic to I received a Facebook Friend Request from her. We then arranged to speak the old fashion way (by telephone). We must have talked for an hour or so .After we caught up on the directions that our lives had taken, it was as though those 32 plus years of our losing touch had dramatically disappeared.

I am learning how vital it is to cultivate those forever friendships. Oh the freedom that abounds when we allow ourselves to be totally transparent with our friends  They  always seem to know when I need a hug.  They are always available to lend a listening ear and hear me out without having to feel that they need to fix it. To all of you who occupy a special place in my heart, "Friends are Forever" and I am so glad that you are mine.

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